June 26, 2012

A little touch of Mutant in the night

I was asked to teach a class at the local Art store and they wanted a poster. The first time I wimped out, this time I had some fun with it. I started with a pencil sketch, inked it in MANGA STUDIO then colored it and layed it out in Photoshop CS6

June 23, 2012

Big Daddy

I have had a painting in my head for a long time of Ed Roth, a figure who lingers large in my life and art. This is just a start, more to come.

Muldoon Gridfiller

I have been drawing a lot and posting little so I thought I would catch up a bit. Face studies for a comic character, Muldoon Gridfiller, based visually on Dan Gurney but with stories drawn from the life of my pal Randy who spent a lot of years in the racing equivalent of "The Minors"