January 23, 2014

....notes from the attic (and thoughts on privacy in a Social Media World)

One of the more surprising things I have discovered since I came back to BLOGGER is that all of my original blogposts from all the BLOGS I started are still here, safe and sound. The very thing that drove the hubris that made me leave BLOGGER in the first place, the horrifying idea that all of the stuff I write is archived forever on Google's servers, is turned around.  Now I find that all the stuff I wrote for all those months/years are still on Google's servers...SAFE.  Since I am having to try and recover a lot of my WORDPRESS writing from damaged databases behind shoddy firewalls I appreciate this fact more and more.

It remain surprising to me that this deep into the new information age we still have so many luddites and ignorant boobs who have no clue of the way the world works.  They continue to thunk that they can log into websites, click on adverts on said websites, chat in web forums and still have some form of privacy.  The way I see it is that from the first time you logged into any website anywhere you tacitly gave the world approval to have access to your wallet.  You cannot post about every facet of your everyday life on FACEBOOK and then scream because the NSA, or WALMART is tracking your every move.

Now I know a couple of people who attempt to keep up with internet security and I wish them well.  At the same time though I see that as they lay down more and more layers of protection they are building higher and higher walls around themselves.  Seem a lonely life to me but then I am still recovering from being hacked.

Getting back to all those old posts, I have been reading some of them and I am finding interesting in sites into my life over the last few years so I think I will start posting them here on occasion.  In the past I spread myself too thin to actually accomplish anything creatively and now I am actively trying to reverse that trend.  Why did I have so many BLOGs to start with?  Well that is something for another posting...