January 24, 2014

SFO - Waiting #1

Sitting near Gate 76A in the UNITED Terminal at SFO, flight is not for an hour or two so I a doing the usual "SFO CHARGER WALL" thing, which means I am sitting next to an outlet with the Macbook plugged into the wall and the iPhone plugged into the MACbook.  Additionally my now-returned-wandering-iPad is taking up the other socket.

I call the iPad that  because I was so intent on guarding the black case with the Camera gear in it that I left it at a gate when Director and I went to grab breakfast.  Luckily the SFPD picked it up before some light fingered Louie and it was quickly returned to me.

Of course if you came to this post from FACEBOOK you already know that..at least today.  Social media is like traveling in the TARDIS, posts like this are like fixed points in time...unchanging through the years unless edited.  The timeline on FACEBOOK on the other hand is like an ever moving stream.  You mention a post and then it moves on, the current sweeping foreword with the news of the day and photos of what you ate.  Static "old skool" stuff like BLOG posts and news stories stay fixed like reefs or rocks protruding from the ever moving torrent.  Unfortunately the current that is the social media is driven by the same force as drives the motion of our lives, leaving static words like a message in a bottle.

On the way to SFO my Director and I were discussing how fast everyone drives and, by extension, how they live their lives.  There is always that rush, like a Silver BMW snaking through traffic in a hurry to get...somewhere.  We, on the other hand, "maintain an even strain" as we obey the traffic laws.  The end result is predictable.  On 19th Ave we find ourselves behind the same Silver BMW whose frenetic charge through the herd earned him the right...to be 12 feet ahead of us.