February 21, 2014

I am somewhat unclear on the ramifications...

I have begun to sleep with my Camera. As of right now we do not have a carnal relationship but everything has happened so fast between the two of us one never knows.  If I had any close friends, the type I confided in, they might be concerned about this affair but since I walk alone no one wonders...

She came into my life so quickly, one minute an empty box at the check out stand at COSTCO, the next minute the object of my affection, central to my dreams and compliant to my every whim.  She isn't simple, you just have to look at the size of her manual to understand that, but their are so many subtle nuances to her that she never cease to either fascinate or amaze me.

I have gotten smutty with her of late, and she likes it.  At night, when I am alone, I surf the web for toys for her.  I look at the RED ROCK MICRO site and think how sexy she would look in one matte box or another or how a certain set of handle might set off the glint in her one, smooth alluring eye. The eye through which she shows me the world not so much as it really is but how I want it to be.  We both look through her unblinking eye at a world that is both terifying and mundane at once.

Then at night, curled up together, we plot how we will change it for the better...