February 08, 2014

Personal Growth #1 - Recognizing Resistance

If you are a creative type I have two things to ask you:

1)Why are you reading this instead of working?
2)Have you read Steven Pressfield's books "The War of Art" and "Do the Work"?

If you are doing the former then you obviously have not done the latter.  Get thee to Amazon or, better still Audible, and pick both of them up.

The reason I bring this up is that of late I have been identifying a plethora of artifacts that form the backbone of the RESISTANCE that keeps me from doing the work my soul needs (I mean REALLY NEEDS) to do.  I won't go into what RESISTANCE is, get the books, suffice to say it is like that brick wall that stands between you and your creativity.

I mention this now because I was just sitting here watching a HOW TO video about Spaceship modeling and I suddenly realized I was wasting my time, that I know how to do that and was, in fact, one of the first guys to do it. The fact that I am watching the video, aside from it helping me become more facile in the toolset, is an artifact of my insecurity and the beleif that I can't do something that I am, by myt very nature, more than capable of doing.  Add to this the peccadillos of PERFECTIONISM (NOTHING is perfect and if you go looking to make it so you are just wasting time) and fear of failure (meaning some a**hole might say you did something wrong and it wasn't good enough).

Get out your billshit knife friends and neighbors and cut a great hole through the dung and get back to work.