February 09, 2014

Things are moving...

Back when I was working at Totally Games on the STAR WARS games I was tasked with doing a series of designs of TIE Fighters for the game of well, the same name.  I want you to think about that for a minute, a fan boy was paid to design TIE Fighters for two weeks.  Yeah, it was cool.  Three of the designs were finally used and the rest languished.  My involvement with the STAR WARS universe was severed when I left TG due to personal reasons.  As my life got harder to deal with my memories of the whole thing go acrimonious and all the memories of all the great times got sad.

...but I held on to the book, subtitled "Bucky's Big Book of TIE Fighters".

So there is a lot of movement these days, Jay Leno Moving on and Jimmy Fallon Moving in to fill the vacuum is in the news a lot ( the media is a narcissistic monster after all and LOVES reporting on everything it does to give those actions added weight).  Now I have always been a Letterman kinda guy but have not watched him kn years, he has gotten to bitter and self aware.  I met Jay Leno at the ROLEX Historic Races in Monterrey once, he was loud and kind of obnoxious.  I never watched Jimmy Fallon, but when I saw particular clips from his show I thought he was pretty amusing.

So it was when I saw this clip on a review on NPR over on FACEPLACE...(or whatever that other site is called)...I was charmed.  Even though Disney now owns the MUPPETS (and the mouse is doing its best to spread marketing guano all over the name as fast as it can) this made me smile big time.

Why? Well I guess because it reminds me of the old MUPPET SHOW. I guess because it is obvious that Jimmy Fallon loved the MUPPET SHOW as much as I did. Most of all though because it is sad and happy at the same time, in well balanced measure. The world is a nasty place these days and there is no WAY enough joy in it to go around.

So Jay is moving on, Jimmy is moving on and I am moving on. I like moving back to the "BLOG-O-Sphere" and away from FACEBOOK. Facebook strikes me now as Blogging for people who cannot use BLOGGER, and if there is no investment in the action then the quality of the content must be called into question. Too much vitriol and too much posturing and not enough positive interaction. Too much pomposity and not enough fact checking.

Oh, and there was a reason for mentioning the TIE Fighter book.  For the longest time I spent so much time trying to make a living out of 3D modeling and animation that I lost track of the love of it's aspect that hooked me so long ago.  The last few days as I have labored under the yoke of a cold (and a fair dose of exhaustion) I started sitting at my workstation and damn if I didn't start to model a TIE Fighter.  Not just model it but ENJOY the act.

"...take a load off Marty.."